  • Uncovering the Trifecta
  • Rate Cut Trajectory Remains Uncertain:
  • 2024Q2
    Market Outlook
  • 2024Q2
    Market Outlook
  • Diversify in Asia
  • Gear Up for Rate Shift
  • ESG Investing
  • 2024 Market Outlook
    Fundamentals Progress
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  • BEA Union Investment
    Asian Strategic Bond Fund ("ASB")
  • BEA Union Investment
    Asian Bond and Currency Fund ("ABC")
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2024 Q2 Market Outlook

Economic Growth Solidifies and Inflation Declines Steadily

  • Capital markets supported by US technology leadership and structural growth in emerging Asia
  • Europe and China face economic challenges
  • Japan's negative interest rate policy lifted, moving towards a growth-oriented economy

What's New
  • 27 Jun 2024
    BU China Gateway Fund (“CGF”)
    See opportunities in China's tech stocks and bonds; watch out for more policies in third plenary session
  • 25 Jun 2024
    BU Asia Impact Bond Fund
    Scant new supply benefits outlook of Asian Investment Grade bonds
  • 21 May 2024
    BEA Union Investment
    Asia Pacific Multi Income Fund (“APM”)
    Favour Asian value stocks, energy and IT shares; Chinese Investment Grade credits preferred
  • 21 May 2024
    BEA Union Investment
    Asian Strategic Bond Fund (“ASB”)
    Asia Investment Grade credits remain resilient despite rate volatility
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